MSP Research Roadmap to foster collaborations between Indian and International Academics
New Delhi : Marketing, Strategy, and Policy Research, UK successfully organised its 8th International
Conference entitled “Connecting the Dots” with Goa Institute of Management and Bharati
College, University of Delhi in collaboration with PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(PHDCCI) as the industry partner. ONGC proudly sponsored the Conference to support
strengthening the university-industry linkages.
The research presented by Indian along with international scholars from universities across
the globe on the themes of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Equality, Diversity
and Inclusion (EDI) in the context of businesses was highly appreciated. Discussions amongst
scholars reflected on the multi-disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and cross-disciplinarity
approach adopted by scholars with advice from Editors of highly reputed journals reflected
on the opportunities MSP Research opens for Indian academics.
One of the main features of the conference was the prestigious TARA Lifetime Achievement
Award, that was presented to the father of modern marketing, Prof Philip Kotler, a legend of
marketing, who was honoured by another Legend of Marketing Prof V Kumar, the recipient
of the 2023 TARA Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Conference has resulted in interesting outcomes in the forms of MOUs being discussed
between MSP and Bharati College on academic turf and with PHDCCI to build the industry-
University Linkages. These will be executed under the leadership of The Prof Kavita Sharma
President of MSP Research India Chapter in collaboration with Prof Suraksha Gupta, founder
of MSP Research and Professor at University of the Arts, London along with Prof Saloni
Gupta, Principal, Bharati College(DU), and Dr S P Sharma, Chief Economist, PHDCCI